Many times we feel agitated when we read about injustices done to the weak and innocence, we feel powerless for not being able to do anything to better the society and improve our social environment. Many times we may ask about the basic human right as when we open the pages be it in the newspapers, T.V news screens, social medias and many more, presented in front of our eyes are lists of negative news, you name it the news has it.
The society seems to be intoxicated by the three poisons of greed, jealousy and stupidity. Greater good in the human hearts has long seen disappeared, replaced by these three poisons. We have forgotten that we are all inter-connected, we and the environment are originally one just like the relationship inseparable as fish and the water in which they swim. As a result we have all the social, political, developmental, economical and many other issues. When we probe further what is the root to these three poisons? They are all originated from one source - IGNORANCE!
We are ignorant about our greater potential which dormant within the depth of our very own life and the life of others. The potential to contribute to the greater good, to create values for oneself and others. We are so busy chasing after our mostly material dreams and many times at the expense of others and our environmental resources that we have no times to search for our soul and hunt for happiness from within. There is nothing wrong in pursuing material dreams to better our life, but when we enslave ourselves to that purpose and lose ourselves, there is a real danger that might ruin our own life and the life of others. To make things worse, we are in the age of information and communication revolution, technology has changed the way we communicate, with just one click, a touch or a swipe, we could reach for what we need within seconds. Everything is fast pace, we get distracted easily by the new technological inventions and we hunger for more; we forgot to go back to the basic, we forgot to appreciate less is more, we forgot that we owe everything in this world to our future generations. STOP! We need to ask ourselves what kind of future we want for our future generations! Are we the ones who are contributing to the deterioration of human values in the changing world or vice-verse? Are we the source for creating the causes of destruction or construction for humanity?
Whatever happened, good or bad in our surrounding environment, be it local or global, is a reflection of our inner world. We have no one to blame or to point fingers at, no one! The first step to fight enemies outside is to combat the enemies from within. It's always worth to reflect deeply to rediscover our beauty and ugly self and it's a life-long process, and not a destination. There is no short-cut in life, taking short-cut will only cut short our own life. We need to expand on our beauty, kindness and compassion towards others and our environment, it starts from one person and later it will create ripple effect to include another person and another ten people, hundreds of people, thousands of people and so on...and at the same time keep on revolutionising our mind towards a constructive direction. Only when we take full responsibility on our life, our thought, our action and our words, we are able to manifest the highest, truest, purest and loftiest expression of life that will lead to a sustainable, constructive development in all aspects in our life, in our society and in the world at large.
It all starts with one person fighting one's enemies from within and the choice is in our hand. We are the master of our mind!