Saturday, 24 August 2019

Energy vs. Blockage

Received an enlightening audio sharing in Mandarin on ENERGY and BLOCKAGE yesterday from my cousin, listened to it many times in the car on the way to work to grasp the profound meaning in it.

I shared with a friend who felt very down yesterday, could really tell from his face and spoke few words to encourage him. Hopefully he would feel better after listening to the audio sharing too.

I have been thinking over the sharing this morning and trying to grasp the essence just a little bit better. I remember two weeks ago I met a friend and we shared about the technology and world. We lamented that our next generation will face tough time in future as technological advancement has created a new competition, human race will not only face competition with human race but also Artificial Intelligence (AI) in no time. China already has the AI broadcaster, professional jobs are replaced by AI in certain sectors. However we still believe in the beautiful human bond and human engagement on the daily basis. To be able to share even with another human being is wonderful, don't you agree?

I remember in the early 80's, the third president of the Soka Gakkai International, President Daisaku Ikeda proposed to United Nation to shift the competition from economy to humanity. Key index in the measurement is human happiness. Later, I read Finland (west) and Bhutan (east) have very high Happiness Index and rank top 10 in the world. Are we able to have a genuine paradigm shift looking at the world today?

In an ideal world, each and everyone is happy. Basic necessities are met, there is no hatred, no conflict, no war, no famine, no poverty, everyone shares the resources equally. It's a wonderful world, isn't it? Therefore if everyone is awakened to a greater good through this sharing, the good energy and vibe will also be expanded, I will explain how this is possible through my understanding and realisation.

When one is full of compassion, embrace and joy from within, energy from space-time will ceaselessly flow into one's body. When one's door of wisdom is opened, one is filled with joy and it will be emitted to the surrounding, in return one will receive unlimited energy. When one initiates true benevolent desire, one's energy is beyond one's imagination.

On the other hand when one is full of grudges, jealousy, fear, worries and helplessness, one's energy will be drained away rapidly, follows by aging and premature death. Fear especially causes the lost of energy completely in an instant and thus the lost of life. Once we are awakened to this truth, we should know how to be truly healthy. To be truly healthy we must eliminate disease (dis-ease: not at ease), this must come from our own initiative from within, not on the superficial level. When one is having vanity or when one is telling lie, one's energy is largely consumed. Therefore it's important to have self-awareness and constant reflection is a must.

Have you ever experience harmony or conflict when you are visiting a family? In a small space of a family, mindfulness of each and every member is accumulated in this space, good or bad. This is not only affecting your mood but also your health. Have you ever felt comfortable or uneasy when you meet with strangers? Some people just make you feel warmth and comfortable and you would want to spend more time getting to know them while others make you feel you want to run away instantly the moment you meet them. This has to do with the people's mindfulness too. Auspicious and peaceful energy field has healing function indeed, individual or family, first and foremost must understand the importance of mindfulness. Benevolent mindfulness attracts peace and health while unkind mindfulness attracts disaster and disease. This is similar to the law of attraction.

The quality of the energy we attract corresponds to the capacity of our mind. In other words the capacity of our mind and the capacity of the energy we attract is on par and completely in sync. The larger the capacity of mind the larger the energy is attracted. The larger the energy is attracted the larger is one's capability. There is a price to pay in term of energy to be successful in life. The process of life and how we live our life is equivalent to the process of gaining and emitting the energy.

How then can we gain energy? Besides taking food and beverage everyday, energy can be gained from the void (empty) of the space (universe). It's important to eat and drink healthily, it's also important to know how to leverage on energy in the cosmos. However I am not going into detail on how to gain energy from the cosmos as it requires high level spiritual practice which different people have different capacity. I will focus more on training ourselves to have good thoughts constantly by explaining why this is important. Good thought attracts true happiness over the time and this requires consistent practice, endurance and persistence.

Everyone wants to be happy, no doubt about this and without any discrimination regardless if one is a janitor, a manager or even a president. What is true happiness then? A person's life is determined by three aspects of energy - the mental, intelligent, physical. Mental energy is like the roots of a tree, intelligent energy is the stem of a tree while physical energy is the branches and leaves of a tree. All these will determine his or her own life and happiness. The happiness here refers to true happiness, it's unconditional and it does not depends on one's circumstance, in contrast to pleasure which most people pursue and mistakenly think as happiness, such as physical pleasure, materials, wealth, fame, status, position, promotion and etc. True happiness derives from within one's life and it is indestructible while relative happiness is conditional as it is subjected to external circumstances, such happiness is temporary and can be robbed in an instance such as when one is stripped of everything, i.e the lost of job, wealth, family, love, health and etc. this relative happiness will be gone immediately.

True happiness starts from strong desire to change, all it takes is courage to take the first step. First start from one's health and ensure the balance of yin and yang. Health here refers to both physical and mental aspects. Genuine health practice includes the practice of mastering one's blood vessel, meridian and nerve which aligns with traditional Chinese medical practice. Blood vessel is the transmission passage of power source, meridian is the transmission passage of energy while nerve is the transmission passage of information.

The mind mainly controls the information, information and energy are inseparable. Therefore if the transmission passage of energy is blocked, the transmission passage of information will be blocked too.

Any blockage in the meridian creates physical pain and suffering. In order to eliminate the pain and suffering, one needs to identify the root cause of the blockage which is mental disorder. Each and every physical pain and suffering corresponds to a sin. To remove the pain and suffering, first and foremost one has to remove the sin in one's mind (thought).

What are blocking our mind? The answer is very straight forward, they are the poisons of life, namely arrogance, selfishness, greed, anger, jealousy, ignorant, fear, grudge and worries. They are the main culprits of our blockage. Therefore it's important to spend sometimes to observe one's mind every day religiously. To eliminate the blockage it's important to be aware about one's mind, all it takes is a consistent practice, replace the poisons with a sense of gratitude, joy, embrace, selflessness and compassion. The key action here is first to be aware about one's mind only then replacement can take place. Make this a habit.

When there is no blockage there is also no missed opportunities, that explains why some people seem to be lucky all the times and others are not, some people have strong capacity to identify opportunities and make the right decision while others keep making the wrong decision. It's all in the capacity to attract the right energy.

If everyone realises and practises this in his or her daily life, I am sure all of us will live a truly happy life. Isn't this a wonderful learning and realisation? There will not be any hatred, conflict, war, famine, poverty and other negative sides. Let's keep spreading the positive energy to our surrounding and back into the cosmos.

Keep creating a better world for all human kind!