Thursday, 24 May 2012

Karma or Choice

Life is so kind and compassionate. Think about it, have you ever been in a situation that is repeating probably with some interval of time? Do you blame it on your karma?

Many times I have heard people saying that it is their karma that they keep on experiencing similar life situation with different person or people in the situation, but is that really so? To elaborate, Mary was with her previous company for the past three years and she was not happy working in the company as she had a very unreasonable lady boss. So she decided to find another job and resigned from the company. Yet each time when she was landed with a new job, her problem did not stop there - she faced similar boss problem. This happened a few times in her jobs.

When something happen, it is natural we point finger at our situation or blame others instead of looking into our lives. If this continue we will be in the vicious cycle, turning round and round, because we never learn. Life keep throwing the similar situation until we learn our lesson and it will stop. It is similar to having to complete our primary education by passing different tests and examinations before we could proceed to secondary school and tertiary education. If we failed at any level we need to resit for the test or examination in order to proceed to the next level. What do we do if we fail our test? Do we blame the teacher for making us fail or do we blame the school for setting such a high standard? Or do we access ourselves, study harder, work harder, practice with more past year papers? If we choose the later, why can't we apply the same 'formula' in life? Why do we have to give all kind of excuses instead of taking full responsibility?

When we face with another similar situation again, ask ourselves what we have not learn from our previous situation? Look deeply into our lives and reflect on things we have done that cause our boss to pick on us (such as in Mary's situation) instead of pushing all responsibilities to our boss and blame our boss for our unhappiness. Take our 'difficult' boss as a challenge to improve ourselves. How others treat us is not our business as it is beyond our control, our business to keep on improving ourselves and instead of reacting to our situation choose to take a deep breath, reflect and response to it instead.

Ultimately it is our life. We choose to learn or to blame. It is our choice.